The sun is an opportunity to be funny, and even, extraordinarily elegant...

Graduate of the École supérieure des arts et techniques de la mode (Esmod),
Nadine Perez opened her first fashion boutique in 1989.
Regularly asked by her customers to complete an outfit with a hat...
Nadine specialized in the creation of made-to-measure hats...


Her workshop is a living testimony to this art, to the old-fashioned shaping of wood in the raw materials of yesteryear... Italian straw, voilettes, fishnet, silk tulle, horsehair and lace, as well as more modern materials such as buntal fiber and metallic organza.

The joy of working with her hands... Nadine shows it in the way she handles her materials.
A craftswoman of beauty, aesthetics and elegance, it is a real pleasure to watch her in her workshop.

Several encounters would prove decisive for Nadine.
The milliners of our grandmothers taught her precious know-how, the art of turning by hand and the use of antique molds.

While custom-made is reserved for women, men are not forgotten - on the contrary.
You'll find a selection of English caps, bonnets, Panama hats, Flechet, Stetson, gloves and accessories.


Queen Silvia of Sweden chose Nadine to make her hats. The Queen wore one of her hats when she was received by President Hollande during an official visit in 2015...

Thanks to word of mouth, Nadine designed and made the cape worn by Princess Marie of Denmark at the wedding of Prince Albert II of Monaco.

That's why, at the Chantilly Concours d'Elegance, or in the village of Auteuil, with an everyday headdress... You'll recognize her creations !

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